RS-2-1 |
Integrated Water Resources Management2024年10月15日 14:00~15:30 时刻表 V8 发布时间:2024-10-09 18:48:55 |
开始 | 结束 | 持续 | 编号 | 标题 |
Moderator: Masayasu Irie, Osaka University | ||||
14:00 | 14:18 | 18 | 16 |
Preventing contamination of drinking water sources by in-situ treatment of sanitary and kitchen wastewaterGregory De Costa/Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
14:18 | 14:36 | 18 | 4 |
Assessment of effective green water resources in the Yangtze River Basin based on dynamic crop coefficientJijun XU/Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute , CWRC
14:36 | 14:49 | 13 | 17 |
Development, and its impact on water resources, cases from New Zealand and JapanGregory De Costa/Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
14:49 | 15:02 | 13 | 18 | |
15:02 | 15:15 | 13 | 20 |
Collaborative efforts in transboundary water managementTanmoy Mondal/China Three Gorges University
15:15 | 15:28 | 13 | 19 |
Analysis and countermeasure study on low-water situations in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River after the operation of the Three Gorges ProjectGeng QU/Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute , CWRC