Call for Special Session

Submission Guidelines for Special Session proposal

To increase opportunities for experience sharing and technical discussion, 24th IAHR-APD Congress set ‘Special Sessions’ , which are parallel sessions within the main Congress programme. A Special Session is proposed by an organization or group of organizations, is normally 90 minutes long and must also be aligned with one of the Congress themes.
The special session nominee(s) have the responsibility to invite speakers and any special guests to the sessions. To submit a Special Session proposal via the website, your session proposal should contain following information:

- A title and short description of the special session (up to one page)

  •  The names, brief biographies and contact details of the session organizer(s) 

- 5-6 tentative presentations with title, authors and short abstract

The Review result of Special session proposal will be delivered to submitter by e-mail individually. The accepted Special Session will be listed on the 24th IAHR-APD Congress website. To avoid multiple special sessions covering similar topics, it is likely that an accepted proposal will be combined with similar proposals.


Key Dates

Call for Special Session Proposals: Feb 1  2024

Special Session Proposals Submission Deadline:  July 31 2024



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